Georgina Marshall

RMIT Bachelor of Fashion (Design)

“I am the Monster Under the Bed” is a grotesque self expression dealing with the many affects and horrors of trauma. I was interested in the connection between horror films, our subconscious, repression and gender in an abject way, trying to explore how we as humans, can feel disgust with our bodies and how this disgust in ourselves can leak into the world. I have been interested in the links in fashion, costume and art and how these medias can help ourselves and others express and understand our repressed trauma.

RMIT Bachelor of Fashion (Design)

“I am the Monster Under the Bed” is a grotesque self expression dealing with the many affects and horrors of trauma. I was interested in the connection between horror films, our subconscious, repression and gender in an abject way, trying to explore how we as humans, can feel disgust with our bodies and how this disgust in ourselves can leak into the world. I have been interested in the links in fashion, costume and art and how these medias can help ourselves and others express and understand our repressed trauma.

Title: I am the Monster Under the Bed | model: Ellen Syrja | Photographer: Georgina Marshall.
