Vicki Car

RMIT Bachelor of Textiles (Design)

How do we grieve for grief itself?

When we ache not for what has been lost, but for what should have been.

How do we transform the meaning of objects that represent sorrow?

This intensely personal work is an exploration of grief. A search for beauty in what is broken, for connection. Through time honoured processes and materiality, a ritual that will allow me to find understanding, and ultimately, forgiveness.

RMIT Bachelor of Textiles (Design)

How do we grieve for grief itself?

When we ache not for what has been lost, but for what should have been.

How do we transform the meaning of objects that represent sorrow?

This intensely personal work is an exploration of grief. A search for beauty in what is broken, for connection. Through time honoured processes and materiality, a ritual that will allow me to find understanding, and ultimately, forgiveness.

Title: Cicatrices (detail) | Description: indigo dyed Tapestry and linen tunic.
