Kayleen Hoo

RMIT Bachelor of Fashion (Design)

REMINISCENCE is an exploration of intertwining childhood memories into garments to signify a trace of time, emotion, and memory. This collection draws on themes of my childhood nostalgia inspired by my memory of playing dress up with my sister, scavenging through my parent's wardrobe. These pieces evoke sentimental nostalgia by juxtaposing mature and childish silhouettes focusing on texture,
material, and color. I explored methods of ruching and gathering to transform the
garments, honing on how the wearer feels in hopes of recalling and reminiscing their
childhood memory. REMINISCENCE ultimately aims to create a space of comfort
and escapism through garments.

RMIT Bachelor of Fashion (Design)

REMINISCENCE is an exploration of intertwining childhood memories into garments to signify a trace of time, emotion, and memory. This collection draws on themes of my childhood nostalgia inspired by my memory of playing dress up with my sister, scavenging through my parent's wardrobe. These pieces evoke sentimental nostalgia by juxtaposing mature and childish silhouettes focusing on texture,
material, and color. I explored methods of ruching and gathering to transform the
garments, honing on how the wearer feels in hopes of recalling and reminiscing their
childhood memory. REMINISCENCE ultimately aims to create a space of comfort
and escapism through garments.

Title: REMINISCENCE I Photographer: Kent Patrick Huang I Stylist: Kayleen Hoo I Models: Priscilla Kimberly, Carren Djojodiredjo & Cecillia Verona
