Nadya Korchev

RMIT Bachelor of Fashion (Design)

In an article titled ‘Baroque Sunburst’, Philosopher Mark Fisher describes the notion of “the Rave”: a place where “we engage in a kind of systematic rebellion”. One where for a moment, capitalism does not dictate our identities. (Fisher, 2016)

Inspired by Fisher’s reference of ‘the rave’ as a tangible, yet fleeting anti-capitalist utopia, my project, titled ‘Baroque Sunbursts’ extends and transforms this concept into the context of design. I propose an alternative to the fashion system by exploring the garment archive through the deconstruction of reclaimed knitwear. Using fashion, design and music, I posit a temporary space free from capitalism, like Fisher’s “Rave”.

RMIT Bachelor of Fashion (Design)

In an article titled ‘Baroque Sunburst’, Philosopher Mark Fisher describes the notion of “the Rave”: a place where “we engage in a kind of systematic rebellion”. One where for a moment, capitalism does not dictate our identities. (Fisher, 2016)

Inspired by Fisher’s reference of ‘the rave’ as a tangible, yet fleeting anti-capitalist utopia, my project, titled ‘Baroque Sunbursts’ extends and transforms this concept into the context of design. I propose an alternative to the fashion system by exploring the garment archive through the deconstruction of reclaimed knitwear. Using fashion, design and music, I posit a temporary space free from capitalism, like Fisher’s “Rave”.

Title: Baroque Sunbursts, Rosie in Bolero with puffy shoulders, T-shirt and Box skirt (all made from reclaimed materials) | Photographer: Nicholas Mahady | Model: Rosie Graham
